10 Back to School Mental Health Tips

With back to school season under way in many parts of North America, I wanted to share 10 helpful mental health tips for students returning to school. These tips are intended to be for students of all ages (including those attending post-secondary education institutions) and their parents too! So let’s get started with the tips!

  1. Reach out for help - You're not alone: Many education institutions have a variety of support services that can help you - these may include but are not limited to: academic support services, counseling services, support groups/clubs, and more.

  2. Find a balance: Finding a balance can be important to reduce chances of burnout. Balance your academic responsibilities with other aspects of your life. Don't forget to relax and to make time for your mental health.

  3. Create a Schedule: Creating a schedule can help you stay organized and on top of things throughout the school year. This can help reduce stress and anxiety when deadlines are approaching so that work isn't being done last minute.

  4. Surround yourself with good people: The people in our surroundings play a huge role in our mental health. Choose your friends and social circle carefully. A good group of friends can make school a lot more enjoyable and relaxing, while a bad group of friends can do the exact opposite.

  5. Set SMART Goals: Setting goals has been shown to improve mental health. Set goals using the SMART technique:

    S - Specific

    M - Measurable

    A - Attainable/Achievable

    R - Realistic/Relevant

    T – Timebound


    For more detailed information on SMART goals, you can check out one of the older posts on SMART goals.

  6. Create a Routine ( & Break it too): Having a routine can help provide structure to your day, which can reduce stress/anxiety for many people. Don't be afraid to break this routine either because we all need a break sometimes for our mental health.

  7. Develop Stress Coping Strategies: It's inevitable that at some point you'll experience stress at school. It's good to prepare for this by developing stress coping strategies that work for you. It  may be beneficial to work with a mental health professional to explore some strategies.

  8. Value yourself: Remember to treat yourself with respect, kindness, & compassion. There will be times that you may feel down, but remind yourself that you matter, you are worthy, and you are good enough.

  9. Take Care of Your Physical Health: Our physical health and mental health are often closely tied to each other. Pay close attention to:

    • Nutrition/Eating habits

    • Exercise

    • Sleep Routines

    • Other Physical Health Problems

  10. Get Involved & Connect with Others: Most schools have lots of clubs & extracurricular activities. Joining these clubs or volunteering can be great for your mental health because you may make new friends that act as supports & create a positive change too.

Dr. Inverpal Braich

About the Author
Hey! I’m Inverpal. I’m a psychologist and the Director of Clinical Operations at CCIPH. I was born in Toronto, ON but have moved across several cities and provinces in Canada. From a young age, I have been passionate about promoting mental health awareness and increasing the accessibility of mental health services. Due to this passion, I have spent over a decade in the mental health industry, working with several mental health organizations across North America in many diverse roles. I’m also a huge Toronto Raptors fan. In my free time, you can find me playing/watching basketball, watching new movies, learning new things, and spending time with my family.


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