Goal Setting: Exploring The GROW Model

The GROW model is one approach that can be used to help with goal setting in your day-to-day life and mental health settings. GROW is an acronym that stands for:

Goal – The first step here is setting the goal. It can be helpful to use the SMART technique to help set your goal here (see other post)

eality – The second step involves considering the reality of this goal. Ask yourself questions – When it comes to this goal, what is happening in the present moment? Are you working towards it? Are you not working towards it? What actions have you taken to work towards this goal so far? If you are struggling with the goal, it may be helpful to go back to the first step to set a goal that is more realistic.

ptions – This step focuses on considering present options based on where you are with your goal. Ask yourself, when it comes to this goal, what kind of options have you explored to help you achieve it? What are some different ways you can work towards the goal? What have you learned so far in working towards this goal? What are some other options I can explore? What are the pros and cons of each of these options?

Way Forward – This step focuses on moving from the present to the future. Ask yourself: What steps can you take to move closer to the end of the goal soon? Once you have achieved the goal, what will you do?

Dr. Inverpal Braich

About the Author
Hey! I’m Inverpal. I’m a psychologist and the Director of Clinical Operations at CCIPH. I was born in Toronto, ON but have moved across several cities and provinces in Canada. From a young age, I have been passionate about promoting mental health awareness and increasing the accessibility of mental health services. Due to this passion, I have spent over a decade in the mental health industry, working with several mental health organizations across North America in many diverse roles. I’m also a huge Toronto Raptors fan. In my free time, you can find me playing/watching basketball, watching new movies, learning new things, and spending time with my family.


Fact and Stats: Domestic Violence and IPV


Goal Setting: The SMART Technique